Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Coke Zero, the Deadliest Beverage…or So They Say

Who is the audience for Commonplace?
Youth who want to know multiple information in diverse aspects
Create a list of characteristics that define the genre of writing on Commonplace?
Commonplace is like the research paper but sometimes do not follow the MLA format and people find question and then try to figure them out .
How have writers ensured their pieces are timely, compelling, and relevant?
Writer use the analyzation to argue common sense and then answer how could this happened which is compelling. Writer use the analyzation provided by professional organization according to the ingredient on the list of the zero coke which is relevant.
How has the writer used ethos, logos, and pathos in composing the piece? ethos: writer provide the acid is bad for body using experiment logos : writer claim that acid will make calcium loss and calcium loss is bad for health pathos: writer use pathos that many people think zero coke is less harmful but actually not
How do the writers draw their audience into the essays in the introduction?Introduce a sterotype in the first paragraph to attract people to read,then provide evidence tp argure it
How would you describe the style of Commonplace essays? Do not have a specific style ,people can use many styles
How are Commonplace essays similar to academic essays? How are the different? Common palce essay do not have to follow the format that academic essay using and can be multiple and diverse.Becasue common place essays are written online ,so writer can attach web link on the essay to help illustrate claims
How has the essay published on Commonplace incorporated the work from the ARP? Can you see what primary source the writer was working with? How is secondary source material used?
Primary source is just the list of ingredients of zero coke .Writer provide many experiment or analyzation produced by different professional association and coke `s website as maily secondary sources .

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