Thursday, May 12, 2011

Coke Zero, the Deadliest Beverage…or So They Say by Ted Elliott

Who is the audience for Commonplace?
The audience for Commonplace is college students. The audience for this specific article is college students that want to know more about their soda.

Create a list of characteristics that define the genre of writing on Commonplace?
Trending, Popular, Precise

How have writers ensured their pieces are timely, compelling, and relevant?
Writers have related their articles to the issues we face today. My specific article focuses on the worries of soda and its effect on our health, while giving facts and interesting language to keep the topic interesting. He puts an end to the myths of drinking soda and gives a more realistic view.

How has the writer used ethos, logos, and pathos in composing the piece?
In the article, he questions the ethics of those creating the drinks and compares them to our own. The author logically gives facts about the soda ingredients and the effect they can have on the body. The writer has appeal in pathos by their reaction to the effects some of the ingredients have, he guesses what we could be thinking while reading their essay.

How do the writers draw their audience into the essays in the introduction?
He claims that pop has been said to be bad for the body, but eventually he said it doesn’t have to be bad. Ultimately, it is up to people to decide the amount they consume.
How would you describe the style of Commonplace essays?
They are done in informal ways on interesting topics that keep readers entertained.

How are Commonplace essays similar to academic essays? How are the different?
Commonplace essays speak on topics important to their audience, but they are also informal and less serious than academic essays.

How has the essay published on Commonplace incorporated the work from the ARP? Can you see what primary source the writer was working with? How is secondary source material used?
Paragraphs are cohesive and get to the point. Secondary sources are used effectively and do not oppose the argument that the writer makes.

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