Thursday, May 12, 2011

Coke Zero, the Deadliest Beverage…or So They Say By Ted Elliott

1.)Who is the audience for Commonplace?

The audience for Commonplace seems to be for college students involved in an English course.

2.)Create a list of characteristics that define the genre of writing on Commonplace?

The genre of writing of Commonplace seems to be scholar writing geared to make the reader think critically.

3.)How have writers ensured their pieces are timely, compelling, and relevant?

Writers on commonplace have made their papers timely by covering subjects that are currently on people’s minds and in the news. They make it compelling by choosing a purpose in writing their paper that relevant to their audience who is college students.

4.)How has the writer used ethos, logos, and pathos in composing the piece?

Ethos, logos, and pathos are used in the paper very well. While ethos doesn’t applied to Commonplace to much since almost everyone that writes on it is a student with hardly any creditability. The information they present can be creditable and this paper does just that. The logos is the argument that Coke Zero isn’t bad for is great. The author brake downs all the “bad” ingredients that are in Coke Zero. And the pathos is well placed at times in the paper to grab your attention and add some needed drama to add flare to the paper.

5.)How do the writers draw their audience into the essays in the introduction?

Attention is drawn in the introduction by presenting a possible deadly effect from drinking pop and giving little information on the subject so you have to read to find out more.

6.)How would you describe the style of Commonplace essays?

The style of commonplace articles are information and persuasive. An argument that hopefully relates to you is presented and information on that argument is given to get you attention. They follow the commitments of timely, compelling and relevant.

7.)How are Commonplace essays similar to academic essays? How are the different?

Commonplace essay are like academic essays by the commitments to be timely, compelling and relevant. The way both present information is also a way they are similar. Commonplace essay and academic easy purpose is the persuade readers to action against or for the argument they are presenting. They differ by ethos, logos, and pathos. Academic essays may not relay on these three too much especially logic of course but especially not emotions.

8.)How has the essay published on Commonplace incorporated the work from the ARP? Can you see what primary source the writer was working with? How is secondary source material used?

The paper on Commonplace follows the same structure that we followed with our ARP by making claims from their primary source and baking those claims with secondary sources. The primary source used is the coke product Coke Zero and how it affects your health. The secondary source used in the paper is the research done by the FDA and how it affects a person’s health. The way the information is presented is great because with every claim the writer backs up with evidence that supports their claims. If the author made a claims like this ingredient isn’t bad for you they backs that up with research done that can be tracked down yourself giving it more creditability.

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