Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Mohd Harish
Tech No Love
Who is the audience for Commonplace?
The audience for Commonplace is basically college students, specifically undergraduate student between the ages of 19-24 years. The audience for this specific article is college students that often busy in texting with their girlfriends and boyfriends rather face to face emotional sharing.
Create a list of characteristics that define the genre of writing on Commonplace?
People are being treated for “technology addiction,” and Facebook is now one of the only ways we socially connect with other human beings (p.1).
Jealousy, the little green monster that lives inside us, also finds home in technology.  Facebook seems to be the main culprit in this downward spiraling jealousy spree (p.4).
It would be unfair to say technology and Facebook cause relationships to crumble entirely, but they do seem to be the catalysts that cause couples to question their trust, and ultimately their relationships (p.4).
Though our means of communication must adapt to our ever growing technological world (p.6).
Expansion of technology seems to be the most easily identifiable issue in today's society (p.6).

How have writers ensured their pieces are timely, compelling, and relevant?
This article has been written on Internet addiction in adults. The writer focuses on how technologies like Facebook, texting affects our life. It covers up the argument of change in relation between boyfriend and girlfriend with evidences. 
How has the writer used ethos, logos, and pathos in composing the piece? 
Writer’s tone was pathos. Writer brought emotions by contacting the relation between personal affairs with technology. For instance, in the essay, Jealousy leads to increased surveillance of a partner's Facebook page, which results in further exposure to jealousy-provoking information.”  Speaking from experience, it’s obvious to me how damaging my daily creeper routine on my boyfriend’s Facebook can be yet so addicting.
How do the writers draw their audience into the essays in the introduction?
Writer started precisely general introduction and then narrow down to essay’s purpose. In the introduction, it talks about the way of communicate by which people in the era express their feelings.
How would you describe the style of Commonplace essays? 
The essay was a bit causal. Writer used personal tone with one external source. It was entertaining.
How are Commonplace essays similar to academic essays? How are the different?
This essay was more of personal opinion rather well researched essay. However, its style was same as academic essays because of its beginning started with general discussion to specific one.
 How has the essay published on Commonplace incorporated the work from the ARP?  Can you see what primary source the writer was working with?  How is secondary source material used?  
This essay was about technology effects on our personal.  The title was Tech No Love shows that Facebook page of boyfriend of any girl was his primary source and secondary source was Anne E. Smith from Helium.com 

Timely: The essay should be to the point and should verify claims and clear.
Compelling:  Proper connection between claims and authentic evidences with ethos, pathos and logos make the essay compelling.
Relevant: There should be precise connections between claims and evidences that with identifying the audiences of essay. For instance, in my essay, it is adults of age 19-24.    

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