Thursday, May 12, 2011

Illiterate Hillbillies or Vintage Individuals: Perceptions of the Appalachian Dialect

The audience of commonplace is basically the general public, or the main stream people. The essay shows that the writing on commonplace is more informal than the average essay. This makes the essay more relate-able to the average person, and is similar to the articles in the newspapers. The essay matches the audience of common place, and is an overall great addition to commonplace. The writer has made this essay timely, relevant, and compelling because of the references he makes in the media regarding the Appalachia people. The writer uses logos, ethos, and pathos in his paper well, he incorporates statistics into his paper and the paper connects to the audience well. There isn’t a lot of pathos, but the ethos is there because of the circumstances he is writing it under (informal, young audience makes it credible). The writer draws his audience in well because of how he introduces the topic.
Commonplace essays are different in style compared to other essays because they are less formal, and are attracting the young mainstream audience. They are similar because they both have a structure that has points and support of the points. This is related to the ARP paper because it has a primary source (probably a picture of hillbillies or tv show about them), and uses secondary sources such as statistics and newspaper articles, which is very similar to what we did in our essays.

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