Thursday, May 12, 2011

Who is the audience for Commonplace?
The primary audience for commonplace is college students. It also can be for the general public and those younger.

Create a list of characteristics that define the genre of writing on Commonplace?
Commonplaces work is audience friendly, it is meant to be read by audiences, hoping to convey their point across to them. They are persuasive, forthcoming, and informative.

How have writers ensured their pieces are timely, compelling, and relevant?
Writers have ensured their pieces are timely, compelling, and relevant by make sure their piece is something the reader can relate to and understand. The topic is one that a reader can understand, even if they aren’t involved in the topic first hand. Most of the topics are very up to date and current so all reader won’t be completely confused when reading. You can also tell that the writer cares deeply about this topic and that it is something they are very involved in.

How has the writer used ethos, logos, and pathos in composing the piece?
This paper connects to the reader and audience on an emotion level. They have the reader be able to picture their selves in the shoe of the scenario being talked about. Also the writer mention experience she knows about. Also the paper talks about ethics in sports and cutting programs because of Title IX. According to the authors it not right that school are losing there men programs because of them being un equal, she want them to discover a new law that will avoid cutting team.

How do the writers draw their audience into the essays in the introduction?
The author draws the audience into the essay by making the reader think about a moment that everyone can relate to. It talks about remembering the time when you were little and what up wanted to be when you grew up. And after remembering this, having them taken away from you. Anyone reading this article knows what the wanted to be when they grew up.

How would you describe the style of Commonplace essays?
The style of commonplace writing is very audience oriented. They are very easy to connect with on a personal level and are more enjoyable to read. When they write it is very easy to follow and understand without getting confused.

How are Commonplace essays similar to academic essays? How are the different?
Commonplace essays and academic essays are very similar. Both of them are persuasive, trying to convince who ever is reading to believe their point. Even though both the writing is trying to do the same thing, there are not written the same way. Commonplace essays go though be timely, compelling, and relevant. They main focus is to connect to their audiences on a personal perspective. Academic essays are usually written to be more informative and stern. Essays on commonplace, when persuading, use information that the reader can emotionally relate to, and make them take interest. Academic essays are educational and informative where connecting with the audience isn’t their biggest worry.

How has the essay published on Commonplace incorporated the work from the ARP? Can you see what primary source the writer was working with? How is secondary source material used?
I would say the primary source of this article is the document Title IX. The author begins to explain what this documents purpose was and how it is and isn’t effective in society. The author claims that Title IX isn’t do it job and should be redone. To support there argument they use example from Universities where sport teams were dropped and cut because the law was failing to make thing equal. You can see the through out their paper, mostly at the end, the research question they ask if the were to further their research on.

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