This is a Pulitzer price winner photo of Sudanese child taken in 1993 by South African photographer Kevin Carter. The picture shows a starving child collapsed on the ground, struggling to get to a food center during a famine in Sudan. In the background, a vulture stalks the weak child patiently. This heart-breaking photo represents the harsh conditions children live in Sudan, a country known for its corruption and violence against their citizens. Vultures are usually seen scavenging on carcasses of dead animals on Africa. The stocking vulture standing behind portraits how the living conditions in Sudan can lead to an unusual scene were a child could become a potential pray for a hungry bird. Violence from the militia has left thousands of orphan children without attention and care. Political instability was the main consequence for famine and death to millions of people who live in the area. This photo became a big controversy once it was published by the New York Times, it help the international community be aware of the living conditions in Sudan, it also helped pressured NGO´s and the UN to take action on it. The pressure of not knowing the fate of this little girl made Kevin Carter commit suicide three months after receiving the Pulitzer award.
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