Saturday, April 2, 2011

If the parents are celebrities their kids will be renown to everyone. The picture captured in New York in which Kate Hudson, an American actress takes her child (Ryder) for a play date. In this picture, one young man in shorts tried to take a picture of them. A police officer is walking behind Kate and her son in the afternoon. Kate has two children, Ryder is older one. On the left of Ryder there is another kid who seems to be the height of Ryder. So the main focus is Kate and Ryder in the picture. Media plays a crucial role in shaping the future of anybody. So, what about the kid of celebrity?  

Advertising Targeting Children
In the last decade, Food companies turned to children. Children have been manipulated to sell the companies’ products. As much of it is for food and drinks that are very unhealthy. Top food brands didn’t leave any media to target children. Advertisers use children’s emotional and social needs at different ages. Promoting gullible children to down so much fatty, sugary and salty food is unethical because it creates obese, put forthcoming generation into danger. Society has to pay high price of extra medical care such they will require.  

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