Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Annotated Bibliography

“Lupe Fiasco – He Say She Say” Online Posting.
Youtube, 18 July 2009. Web. 2 April 2011

Carlson, Marcia J. “Family Structure, Father Involvement,
and Adolescent Behavioral Outcomes” Journal of Marriage and Family
Vol 68.1 (2006): 137-154. EBSCO Host. Web. 18 April 2011

This article was written by Maria J. Carlson. As the title suggests, it is about the structure of families, father involvement and the outcome it has on children’s behavior. The author wants us to believe that lack of the biological father has more adverse effects on a child than living with the biological father. The author states living with the biological father is more beneficial. The argument is that there is no difference between the adverse effects of boys and girls. The article is derived from information taken in 1979 based on a National Longitude Survey of Youth. The article assumes that family structure hasn’t changed much since 1979 and doesn’t take into account many other affects.

Lupe’s lyrics in “He Say She Say” tell a story of a family without the biological father’s interaction. The child’s behaved as a deviant because of this lack of interaction. Though I fully believed that a child was less likely to succeed, I now feel that the child is more likely to act adversely, whether it is for the negative or the positive. It is possible for the child to use the lack of the biological father as a drive to succeed and never behave that way. Of course this all depends on the child’s role models and the people around the child. Overall, Lupe’s story does not have to be the case most of the time, though it usually is more likely. There is a wide range of affects the lack of the biological father can have as opposed to those with their biological father in their life, meaning it’s harder to predict the outcome.

Other Sources:
• Criminals of violent crimes’ family life
• Family statistics
• Case studies

Lupe’s lyrics claim that lack of the father makes the child fail, but Maria’s work states that the effects are adverse, meaning the child has a wider range of results from the lack of their father. Lupe’s story is only one small facet of what could possibly happen in the life of the child.

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