Thursday, April 21, 2011

Secondary Source Annotations JPG

The article “Food Marketing and Childhood Obesity – A Matter of Policy” by Marion Nestle, Ph.D., M.P.H. announces the very real problem America has with childhood obesity. It goes on to say that the marketing, set up by the major corporations, towards children is a huge part of why children crave fast food. Millions of dollars is spent each year to target exactly what the children want. The article even makes that statement that some campaigns shoot to persuade children that they more about what they are “supposed to” eat than their parents do. Also in the article it says that the Institute Of Medicine (IOM) is trying to implement newer, stricter rules on the corporations making advertisements geared towards children. The pitch would be that this article wants its readers to believe that childhood obesity is at an all time high and the different measures that are being put into practice on preventing it. The complaint would be that the article is reacting to the lack of response America has had on its childhood obesity. The moment is modern day America and the problems it has with childhood obesity over other countries. One assumption the article relies on is that children today actually decide what they want to eat and not what their parents tell them to. Another assumption made in this article is that by schools putting out healthier meals, parents and health care providers will have an easier time trying to get children to be healthier.
Step 1:
The article “Food Marketing and Childhood Obesity – A Matter of Policy” by Marion Nestle Ph.D., M.P.H, contributes to the childhood obesity ad because it backs up the fact that fast food corporations actually market themselves towards children. In return, that makes children more inclined to become obese because they think that crave fast food or actually need it. The article by Marion Nestle Ph.D., M.P.H, uses a study done by the Institute of Medicine which breaks down the reasons why children are so susceptible to the marketing of big fast food corporations. It also describes that ever since the fast food corporations have spent more money into marketing themselves to children, the percentage of obese children across the country have actually gotten larger. In this very same study it was also proven that as children get older their obesity worsens. It also goes on to say that children, who are obese for a prolonged period of time actually suffer from many different types of health problems including type 2 diabetes and heart disease.
Step 2:
One additional source that might answer my question about how fast food corporations are sticking up for themselves to make fast food actually healthy would be the new advertisements showing the healthy additions fast food companies have included on their menu. Another source that could answer how parents can help their children live a healthier lifestyle so they don’t suffer from obesity could be the commercials that Playstation and Wii have advertised that show children playing video games that actually make them get off the couch and start moving around to play their games.
Step 3:
The article on childhood obesity and the advertisement showing the healthy food that fast food companies have included both help answer the question from my primary source analysis “How are fast food corporations sticking up for themselves and actually making healthy food?” The article and the fast food advertisement prove this in different ways. The article answers the question by providing factual proof, where as the ad shows the healthy food on the menu as proof.

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