Wednesday, April 20, 2011


Ong, Elisa K., and Stanton A. Glantz. "Science Direct." Tobacco Industry Efforts Subverting International Agency for Research on Cancer's Second-hand Smoke Study.
The Lancet, 3 May 2000.Web. 18 Apr. 2011.

According to Elisa and Stanton, second hand smoke is one of the most dangerous threats to the tobacco industry. This is lead of the fact that it has been linked to causing several diseases, such as lung cancer and others. In the United State there is legislation for clean air, but there is not one yet in Europe. The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) in Europe, showed that the risk of non-smokers getting cancer have gone up by more than 15 percent from the last study. Tobacco industries, after realizing the harm this could cause to their companies, are attempting to cut their researching fund, so their companies won’t get hurt. They assume that when people see these results the country will pose stronger restrictions on tobacco and therefore there industry will begin to decease. The tobacco companies are now conducting their own research to eliminate any final conclusions on having lung cancer connected to second hand smoke.

The poster done by CONAC makes others aware of the effect that second hand smoke has on today’s children. By trying to limit the IARC from promoting the damages of second- hand smoking can cause, we are creating a less healthy atmosphere and environment to live in. Second hand smoke in children can lead to them later developing lung cancer, which in the long run it can lead to death. When tobacco companies are hiding the affect of second hand smoke, they are trying to protect their profits and not the well being of their customers. They are more concerned with their money and making profit then the outcome of their buyers.

Step 2:
Smoking companies advertising to buyers/Cancer research companies advertising with second-hand smoking leading to cancer

In the relationship between smoker parents and their child, differ from that of a non smoker parents.

The physical affects second hand smoking has on the body

Why is a little boy chosen to be the center focus

What do companies against second hand smoke do to show their view

Step 3:
CONAC uses this advertisement to show what will happen to children who are affected
by second hand smoke. They use the little boy suffocating shows that smoking isn’t just affecting the smoker but also those around the smoke. The article explains how tobacco companies are trying to hide the research of the affects of second hand smoke to their buyers and the industries.

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