Sunday, April 3, 2011

PSA 1 of Cat in the Hat

The whimsical book “Cat in The Hat,” is one of the most beloved childrens' books of all time. Written by Dr. Suess in the mid 1950’s, this book has been valued for its comic and playful nature for years. In short, the story is about two children wallowing bordem as they are stuck in-side on a rainy day. Then in walks “Cat-in-the-hat,” and chaos ensues.

From the cover of this book, one can assume that is a childrens' book. It is illustraited with bright colors and fun graphics. The blue background creates a “happy” tone immeditely when you look at the book. Huge, bold, white, font state the title along the right side of the front cover. All of the words are simple, and short, allowing children, the main audience, to understand it easily. Along the right side of the book, stands a black and white cat. Based on the books title, one can assume this creature is a cat. However, he is bipedal and lack any actual “cat-like” features. He looks a bit mischievous as well. With his eyebrows raised and a slight smile, the cat looks like he may have something to say. Furthermore, he has his hands crossed along his chest with his finger tips touching. This further adds to peculiarness. Atop his head is a large candy striped hat, complimented by a matching bow tie around his neck. The red coloring of these accessories contrasts the blue background and draws immediate attention to the cat. Lastly, along the bottom of the book, the words “by Dr. Suess” is written indicating the author to readers. Dr. Suess is famous for his comical and very repetious books. Therefore, just from reading the author’s name, one can gain an almost automatic feel for the book and its contents.

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