Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Rodney, Walter. How Europe Underdeveloped Africa. 3rd ed. Washington, D.C: Howard University Press, 1981. 147-202. Print.

The book “How Europe Underdeveloped Africa” was written by Guyanese historian and politician Walter Rodney. The book tries to portray how Africa was exploited and underdeveloped by European colonial regimes. His wants you to understand how Africa was victim of the capitalist development of Europe during and after colonial times. Walter Rodney argues the effects of colonialism in Africa and how these lead to poor political and economic development in the 20th century. The book was written on 1972 and became a big influence on African history, times were black people were rising in the global community, also known as the “Black Power era”.

The assumptions made by Walter Rodney are that colonial Africa was a victim of the international capitalist economy. The exploitation of natural resources and human labor was one of the biggest contributions for the wealth of Europe in the 20th century. The end of colonialism greatly affected the economic and political development of Africa, leading the nation into civil wars, genocide, and poverty.

Additional paragraph (5-8 sentences) to your source annotation about how this source enhances your analysis of your primary source.

The book helps get a better understanding on how development and underdevelopment relate to each other, wealth is not created by its own, it is transferred. The book gives very concrete examples on how Africa have been victim of capitalism throughout time labor and resource explotation was the cause of The author gives concrete examples on how wealth was transferred from Africa to Europe.

2 potential sources to support my secondary source.
What kind of sources might be helpful to fill this gap? What type of evidence does this source rely on?

1. The Great African Scandal Documentary by Dr. Robert Beckford
2. How Europe Underdeveloped Africa by Walter Rodney

Write 2 or 3 sentences on how your sources might in conversation with each other.

The book “ How Europe underdeveloped Africa” helps understand the roots on how European capitalism was the cause of African poor development in the 20th century. The documentary “ The Great African Scandal ” gives more recent examples of how Africa struggles to develop in an international capitalist economy. How international institutions like the IMF and the World Bank are stopping the economic and political development in Africa. The documentary gives concrete examples on several African commodities are exploited for the benefit of multinational corporations. People live in minimal wage that barely provides for food, another example on how the world is keeping Africa undeveloped for the benefit of others.

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