Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Garritt Conkle - Annotation

Cho, Hyunyi, and Franklin J. Boster. "First and Third Person Perceptions on Anti-Drug Ads Among Adolescents." Communication Research 35.2 (2008): 169-189. Academic Search Complete. EBSCO. Web. 18 Apr. 2011.

This is an article authored by Hyunyi Cho and Franklin J. Boster for a study that examined the effectiveness of anti-drug ads among adolescents. The study focused on the third person effect, which states that a person expects a message in the mass media to be more effective on others than on self, and how it relates the effectiveness of anti-drug ads. The article focuses on the effect of anti-drug ads because their effectiveness in persuading youth to stay away from drugs is often debated and called into question. Especially since the beginning of the War on Drugs, much effort has been made to keep adolescents from experimenting with and using drugs. The article suggests that positively perceived drug ads are more effective at dissuading drug use than those that are perceived negatively.

Being that this article accompanies a study, and was published in an academic journal, few assumptions are made. The authors did a good job at highlighting any assumptions as potential explanations rather than implying that they were actual explanations. They even go as far as to explain the limitations of their study.

This source is a good supplement to my analysis because it examines the effectiveness of anti-drug ads, a question that is often asked when on the topic of such ads. It is a well written article and has a lot of accompanying evidence, and is well cited throughout. It will allow me to have conversations on the topic because there is empirical evidence to support the claims made in the article. I’ll be able to explore in depth the different aspects of what makes an ad effective in deterring youth from trying drugs, as well as providing potential explanations for this.


The conversations my sources may have will probably revolve around whether the depictions in the video are effective at deterring substance use in children. The video may show something that the essay explains as effective or ineffective and the “Why?” can be discussed more thoroughly.

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